{ شبكة القدس } H.E. Major General. Hazim Attallah meets Interpol General Secretary in France

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- France - H.E. Major General. Hazim Attallah -Chief of Palestinian Civil Police met with Interpol General Secretary Mr Jürgen Stock on Monday 21st August 2017 at the Interpol Headquarters in Lyon, France.

The Media and Public Relations Department in the Palestinian Civil Police reported in a statement that Major General. Hazim Attallah briefed the General Secretary about the security and police situations in Palestine and the professional standards that Palestinian police has reached, which matches the international standards thatmakes the Palestinian Police qualified enough to be part of the international security system. All these efforts came through the hard working and the steering views of H.E. President Abbas –the Supreme Commander of the security forces and Dr. Rami Hamadallah – the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior which enables the Palestinian Civil Police to join this International Organisation specially after fulfilling and matching all the required conditions for the membership of the Interpol Organisation.

On the other hand, General Secretary Mr Jürgen Stock welcomed Major General. HazimAttallah, andpraise the level that the Palestinian Civil Police has reached. He also illustrate the work mechanism  of the Interpol and the high goals that the organisation works to achieve stating that the Palestinian request to join the organisation will be discussed in the coming meeting for the General Assembly which will be held next month in Beijing.

The meeting was attended by Mrs Marie Rodrigues – Director of the legal affairs, Mr Oliver Fors – Assistant General Secretary, Mrs Maria Jodaluba – Deputy Director of the Bureau, Mr BedourGorrez and Mr Abdel AzeezObeidallah – Head of the Coordination Bureau for the Middle East and North Africa. From the Palestinian side,this meeting was attended by Mrs Hala Abu Hasira – from the Palestinian embassy in France, Colonel Dr Khaled Sbitan – Head of Chief of Police Secretariat, and Captain Fadi Arqoup.

At the end of the meeting Major General Hazim Attallah thanked Mr Jürgen Stock for his efforts to develop the Interpol Organisation and to enhance the level of international cooperation and the high professional of leading this Organisation.

للمزيد من المعلومات  :

              السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية

           المديرية العامة للشرطة    
        ادارة العلاقات العامة والاعلام
فلسطين - رام الله 


**** شبكة القدس البريدية ****
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